Yesterday 13th, morning surprised us with the publishing of the new web edited by the Culture and Sports Ministry, where they show the events which will be held in commemoration of the V centennial of the First round-the-world trip started by Fernando de Magallanes in the year 1519 and finished by Juan Sebastian Elcano, in 1522 on the same port of Sanlucar de Barrameda which begin this adventure and it supposed, maybe one of the greatest revolutions in history. It expanded the knowledge of the ocean, population of unknown world, spices and for the first time we can ensure commerce had possibilities of being global.
All of that was a great ephemeris which set the evolution of our societies. But …., the greatest ephemeris is that we saw ourselves included among the companies chosen to develop one of the most innovative projects of the celebration which will last 4 years and around seven/eight countries.
We are going to design. develop and initiate a technological exposition of Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR); in all cities belonging to Asociacion de Ciudades Magallanicas, and we are doing all of them at the same time.
The challenge and technological deployment we are making, undoubtedly, marking an achievement in the history of “Aula HP” and in SPIKA TECH. But, we started our adventure with HP Inc. for challenges like this.
One more time, form these lines, we want to thank HP Inc., and specially to Francisco Jose Delgado, all the support received during last two years, as Rey Juan Carlos University for the space they yielded us which have given an impulse to the project.
It is impossible to forget SPIKA TECH team and the students of the URJC which are or have been in “Aula HP”, cause without them non of this success could be possible. A THOUSAND THANKS TO ALL OF THEM.
We will keep you informed, because now we have a lot to tell, but we have short time to do it.
You can check for more info about the fifth centennial here: