And………. we went on a trip.

Yesterday 16th, all of us went to spend the morning in the Science and Technology National Museum.

On the ocassion of the last visit to our laboratory of Julian and Luis, we had the chance to show our advances to the museum, and we had to take it.

In a wonderful environment, THE PLANETARY, we could show to the leading managers of the Museum the VR and AR apps developed for the different projects we have afoot.

Marian, directress; Ana, communication responsible of the Museum or Isabel told us about all the activities that are being developed in the Museum now, so as other projects that are initiating.

Julian and Luis, feasted us with a guided visit to the Museum where we discovered the countless chances of collaboration that can be opened to make our new technology from Aula HP known in a massive way.

To all of them, from these short lines, we want to show our gratitude, as for the chance the gave us as for the sweetness and generosity they showed us.

People with social and labor occupational responsibilities, that shows us that Science is alive in our country and, with their effort, is permanently thinking in ways of advancing and in new generations discovering the excite in researching and open their mind to curiosity.


A big hug,

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